Weather in South Tyrol
Weather forecast for the next few days
Weather forecast for South Tyrol for the next few days:
Current weather
Very cloudy skies with widespread precipitation in the morning. Snowline between 1000 and 1500 m altitude. Some clearing possible in the afternoon.
The highest temperatures will fall and range from 8° to 13°.
Weather in the mountains
Weather in the mountains
Low pressure conditions.
In the first part of the day it will snow widely, in the afternoon there will only be isolated showers but also only a few sunny spells. Mostly clouds will predominate.
Mountain weather tomorrow
Low pressure system.
In the first part of the day it will snow widely, in the afternoon there will only be isolated showers but also only a few sunny spells. Mostly clouds will predominate.
Next evolution
Tuesday will remain mostly cloudy, with new rain in the evening and the following night.
Wednesday is expected to start wet. The precipitation will decrease during the course of the day, but it will remain cloudy.
Thursday will also be cloudy and it may rain again in places during the day.
Friday will continue to be cloudy with precipitation.
Current weather
Very cloudy skies with widespread precipitation in the morning. Snowline between 1000 and 1500 m altitude. Some clearing possible in the afternoon.
The highest temperatures will fall and range from 8° to 13°.
Next evolution
Tuesday will remain mostly cloudy, with new rain in the evening and the following night.
Wednesday is expected to start wet. The precipitation will decrease during the course of the day, but it will remain cloudy.
Thursday will also be cloudy and it may rain again in places during the day.
Friday will continue to be cloudy with precipitation.
Weather in the mountains
Low pressure conditions.
In the first part of the day it will snow widely, in the afternoon there will only be isolated showers but also only a few sunny spells. Mostly clouds will predominate.
Mountain weather tomorrow
Low pressure system.
In the first part of the day it will snow widely, in the afternoon there will only be isolated showers but also only a few sunny spells. Mostly clouds will predominate.
5 days forecast
© Weather service Autonomous Province of Bozen/Bolzano